BOL-CDEL-002 - Coop. Delegada: Programa de Gestión Integral del Agua en Áreas Urbanas (GIAAU) - AECID -FCAS
Programme code BOL-CDEL-002 - Coop. Delegada: Programa de Gestión Integral del Agua en Áreas Urbanas (GIAAU)
Program title Coop. Delegada: Programa de Gestión Integral del Agua en Áreas Urbanas (GIAAU)
Program country
Program summary
Coop. Delegada: Programa de Gestión Integral del Agua en Áreas Urbanas (GIAAU)
Lines of action of the programme:
- Access to safe drinking water
- Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
- Governance and the human right to water and sanitation
- Mainstreaming: gender, climate change, environment and health
Lines of action:
Geographical location of the program:
Geographical Location:
Objetivo del proyecto:
Program description:
Additional documentation of the program: